Dragon Rest Ranch  

Dragon Rest Ranch is a holistic ranch in that we raise our animals according to the carrying capacity of the land, in harmony with natural processes. Our goat and emu are native to very similar climate and habitats to what they have here. We primarily raise animals for meat but also do sell emu feathers and emu eggs for protein and blown eggs for artwork. We specialize in hybrid goats called Boki (a Boar Kiko cross) as well as Kuneshan pigs (a cross between Kunekune and Meishan breeds). Besides emu, goat and pigs, we also raise Bourbon Turkeys and various chickens. We also have retired horses whose only job is as pasture pets. 

We are a veterinarian supervised ranch which practices wellness care for all our animals. 

We typically raise animals to order. To discuss filling your freezer and other needs, contact us at 740 five zero six, 0566 or movinman138@gmail.com 


Woody and Treybird, an unlikely friendship

Emu egg with a chicken egg for comparison

Billy goats and boars enjoying their bachelor pad

Stella as a baby and Jai, our mastiff

Stella today, queen of the ranch

Benny, one of our billy goats as a baby

King Louie, our Kangal livestock guardian

Sometimes one has to work for the best Mesquite pods! 

Our Bourbon Red Turkeys getting ready for mating season