Zip Code, Village Census Boundary, Mile Markers

The pink area is the 85609 zip code designated area. The black outline represents the census designated "village" of Dragoon which is what is used to generate the "Dragoon Census Population".

As one can see, area residents north of Interstate 10 as well as Fourr Ranch and a couple others south of Dragoon, are not reflected in the pink area of the map, despite being considered Dragoon residents. 

It is reported that with the last census the "village" had just under 200 residents. The 85609 zip code area had 446 residents (which includes the "village"). One could guess that the areas not included in the zip code which contains Dragoonites would contains another five or six dozen residents. If so that would give the general area of Dragoon somewhere just over 500 residents. 

Here are a couple general states about Cochise County in which Dragoon is located:

- Median year homes built: 1985
- Homes built 1939 or earlier: 7.3% (4,473 homes) highest percentage in the state
- Homes built since 2000: 24.4% (15,007 homes)
- Total homes built: 61,380

At the bottom of this page is the mile markers on interstates and state routes in our area for reference. Dragoon is mile marker 318 on I-10 close to Triangle T Guest Ranch and the other Dragoon exist is 321 at "The Thing"/Johnson Mine exit.




The map below is the detailed census boundary for the "village" of Dragoon.