Over 140 years providing postal services! 

Dragoon's first post office was opened in 1881. In the first 128 years of service, 26 different people operated the post office. According to one report in the archives,  the number of people served by the Dragoon post office was:

  • 1881-1900 ~ 200 people
  • 1901-1910 ~ 70
  • 1911-1920 ~ 150
  • 1920-1921 ~ 200
  • 1922-1951 ~150
  • 1960's ~ 100

This report also stated in 1883 the post master was paid $216 per year. By 1905, pay dropped to $207. 

Data and all images but the last, courtesy of the Sulphur Springs Valley Historical Society

Early Dragoon Post Office

1980 Post Office

Current Dragoon Post Office

Johnsonville  Post Office

Centennial Postmark

Dragoon Post Office 1962, building still exists today.

1882 Postmark

Postmasters: believed to be from the 119 Post Office Birthday Celebration.

Postmaster signatures

The original Post Office application from 1881 Cassius Hooker was the proposed Post Master. The application stated that the population to be served by the proposed post office was about 200 people in a mining camp, presumably Johnsonville. 


In 1884 another application was filed with William Fourr being the Post Master.  It is unclear if the application was just for a change of Post Master or if the physical location of the post office was moved. Both applications state they were located on the south side of the railroad tracks in Dragoon Summit. 


Image from the US National Archives